Flexible pricing that unlocks the true value of your yachts.

Choose a plan that works best for you with our scalable pricing packages.


$ 0 / month
All features unlocked until January 31, 2024.

Illimité Active listings

Illimité Utilisateurs

Illimité images per listing

Illimité Videos per listing

Boat data

Broker profile

Team profile

Instant contact

Account manager support

Consolidated billing


$ 850 / month
Unlock our premium features to accelerate your sales.

30 Active listings

10 Utilisateurs

Illimité images per listing

1 Vidéo per listing

Boat data

Broker profile

Team profile

Instant contact

Account manager support

Consolidated billing


$ 2,250 / month
Designed for brokers with extensive inventory looking to sell at scale.

90 Active listings

30 Utilisateurs

Illimité images per listing

1 Vidéo per listing

Boat data

Broker profile

Team profile

Instant contact

Account manager support

Consolidated billing


Still need more? Contact us for a package tailored to your exact needs.
  • Custom features
  • Premium support
  • Concierge services
  • Extended listings for top-tier brokerages with exceptional inventory and sophisticated sales needs.
Contact Us

The newest yacht trading platform online

Unlock the true value of your yacht and set sail for your next adventure with Yachtify today.